We Make Custom Granite Countertops in Oakville
Are you considering buying granite countertops? Oakville has the solution! At Granite Kings, we have the answers to your top questions about using and caring for granite. Granite is one of the hardest materials on earth. Granite is composed primarily of quartz, feldspar and mica. Other minerals may be present in the stone creating its unique colours, textures and patterns. Used as a countertop material, it is resistant to scratches, acids, stains and heat. It is long-lasting, durable and available in a wide variety of colours, textures and unique crystal.
Contact our location in Stoney Creek today to schedule an estimate. We serve the surrounding area in Ontario.
Can I cut on the granite?
Knives can be used to cut on granite, but it will dull your knives.
Can granite crack?
Granite does not crack with ordinary use. Granite is most susceptible to cracks during fabrication, shipping and installation. Granite will not flex like laminate and solid surface tops. Do not stand on or next to the sink, cooktop cut outs, or unsupported overhangs - as too much stress or weight applied to the stone may cause it to crack.
Can granite scratch?
Granite is one of the hardest stones available. It is extremely difficult to scratch, but it is not a diamond.
Does granite stain?
Generally, granite does not stain. All stone is porous to some extent, but granite has very little porosity. A few colours may absorb some moisture with prolonged contact, which may cause the stone to appear darker. Usually, no evidence remains when the liquid is removed and the granite dries. The granite products are sealed prior to or during installation to help prevent staining - however, this process does not make the stone impervious to liquid.
Can granite chip?
Granite will not chip under normal use, although a heavy object hitting a square countertop edge could chip out a small bit of granite. If this should occur, the chip can be filled.
Will my granite look like the sample?
Samples are not true representations of the entire slab. We will select your actual slab with you at the stone importer's warehouse. The slabs will then be shipped to our location. It should be noted that one end of the slab may be lighter or darker than the other, which may result in seams that do not perfectly match. Although some may view this colour difference as being a disadvantage, this is part of natural stone's inherent beauty, and it is our goal to match the seams to make the best match possible.
Will seams show?
The visibility of seams will vary depending on the coloration of the stone. Granites with sweeping colour movements will have more visible seams. The stone slabs are usually no larger than 120" x 75" which makes seams inevitable. In addition, stone thickness may vary, which can result in seams that are not perfectly flat. Our goal is to minimize seams, maximize use of material, and create a well-balanced "piece of art".
How are seams made?
Seams are made using epoxy or silicone, depending on the situation. Epoxy will hold up better, but does not flex. When new homes settle, the epoxy may crack. Silicone will flex, but is not as durable as epoxy. Seams are repaired at no charge for the first six months, so be sure to contact us if you need to schedule a service call.
How to clean my granite counters?
Apply sealer if needed. Otherwise, clean with water and a mild soap, make sure to dry. Don't use acidic or abrasive cleaners that will dull the finish over time, such as Windex ®, Lysol ®, and bleach.
Do I need to seal my stone countertops?
You can always seal your stone countertops. You can't go wrong by sealing the stone. Sometimes, it just isn't necessary to seal the stone. Granites that are generally dark with variations just wouldn't show a stain if it got one. All marbles and lighter coloured granites should be sealed. Marbles should be sealed once or twice a year. Granites should be sealed once a year. Using a sealer does not make the stone unstainable. It simply fills the pores in the stone and make the staining process slower, therefore giving you more time to clean a spill before a stain sets in.